The Professional Amateur

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Shoots: Authentic Skateboards "Killer Bee" Board Series

Skateboarding is something I’ve done my whole life. It taught me how to use a video camera and editing software. It helped grow and develop my musical taste. It’s molded my style in art, clothing, photography, etc. Basically, it’s probably shaped me as person more than anything else in my life. My whole adolescence was spent with skating through the streets of Tacoma with video cameras trying to film tricks with my friends. For some strange reason though, I never spent much time shooting skateboard photos though. Over the past year, that’s changed. I have been pointing my camera at my good friends Mason’s skateboard company, Authentic Skateboards and shooting lots of stuff for them from product shots to portraits to tricks in the streets. I felt like I should share a few photo’s I shot of Authentic’s latest board Wu Tang inspired “Killer Bee” series, so here’s a few of my favorites.